SCCA Rounds: Chiropractic Considerations for the Management of Long COVID-19 Patients

  • Date: September 14, 2022
  • Speakers: Dr. Karishma Kapoor, DC
  • Description: You’ve completed a physical exam on a patient whose upper limb is swollen from the shoulder to the elbow and the elbow to the wrist. Every movement hurts, making all your orthopedic tests false positives, and you aren’t able to delineate any muscle structure. You might be generating a number of differentials in your head, thinking about what other tests you might order, or what you might do next… but did you consider the possibility of Long COVID-19? Put on your clinical hat and follow along with an interactive case-based example lead by Dr. Kapoor as she guides you through how to develop your clinical reasoning in scenarios like these and what the chiropractic and rehabilitative implications may be of patients with Long COVID-19.Objectives:
    1. Understand common symptomology, routes of transmission, and mechanisms of action of COVID-19
    2. Define and describe Long COVID-19
    3. Learn the clinical and rehabilitative implications of Long COVID-19 and how this may inform chiropractic care
    4. Learn the role of chiropractors as part of a healthcare team for individuals with Long COVID-19
    5. Develop critical thinking skills in complex clinical scenarios

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